11 research outputs found

    The Application of Learning Based on Local Wisdom at SMA Negeri 1 Medan as an Effort to Development the Character of an Inclusive Nation

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    This activity aims to help the world of education, in this case SMAN 1 Medan to overcome the threat of radicalism and the degradation of the national character of school children. The method used in this service is in the form of socialization and Participatory Learning and Action (PLA). The learning module for improving national character consists of 4 main topics, namely: (1) National Insights Module (2) Multiculturalism Module (3) Local Wisdom Module (3) Radicalism Module. These four modules will be taught to SMA Negeri 1 Medan students. This school is located in the city center, a pilot school in government programs at various levels. The target to be achieved through this service is to increase quality education by the standing of the success of the world's SDGs. In addition, there is also an increased sense of state defense and national insight that creates a national character who cares about the values of Pancasila in practice in everyday life

    Efforts to Increase Organizational Capacity in Drugs Prevention to the Anti-Drug Youth Core Cadre Organization (KIPAN) Organizations Through Policy Brief Training

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    Training and assistance is provided to organizations assigned by KEMENPORA (Ministry of Youth and Sports) to handle drug issues among young people, namely the Anti-Drug Youth Core Cadre Organization (KIPAN). In this training, partners are provided with basic materials (modules) on strategies for making good, correct and appropriate policy recommendations to be implemented by NGOs. Partners receive technical training on policy analysis and how to formulate policy recommendations so that this organization is able to contribute better in dealing with drug problems in North Sumatra. Thus, partners are more aware and understand about the steps that can be taken to overcome the drug problem that exists in North Sumatra. The method used in this service is the Participatory Learning and Action (PLA) method. This service has succeeded in increasing the understanding of as many as 20 training participants about making good and correct Policy Briefs

    Mencermati Populisme Prabowo Sebagai Bentuk Gaya Diskursif Saat Kampanye Politik Pada Pemilihan Presiden 2019

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    Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang penggunaan  populisme  sebagai gaya diskursif salah satu calon presiden pada Pemilu 2019 di Indonesia yaitu Prabowo Subianto. Fenomena global yang menunjukkan munculnya kemenangan pemimpin-pemimpin populis di hampir seluruh dunia ternyata membuat Prabowo juga tertarik untuk memainkan gaya kepemimpinan populis untuk meraup simpati masyarakat. Prabowo memainkan isu populis ketika melakukan kampanye politik sebagai gaya diskursif. Retorika yang dilakukan oleh Prabowo ketika berkampanye sangat sarat dengan isu-isu populistik. Penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa Prabowo Subianto menggunakan isu populisme sebagai gaya diskurif ketika berkampanye pada saat pemilu. Peneliti akan melakukan analisis dengan mengacu pada teori Cas Mudde (2007) yang mengemukakan karakteristik dari populisme terwujud dalam tiga ciri yaitu anti – kemapanan (anti-establishment) atau anti elit, otoriterisme, dan nativisme. Objek penelitian ini akan terfokus pada Prabowo sebagai aktor politik yang sedang memainkan isu populisme sebagai gaya diskursif dengan mencermati konten-konten yang ia sampaikan ketika berkampanye. Teknik pengumpulan data akan menggunakan data-data sekunder berupa surat kabar, media cetak maupun kanal berita elektronik serta bahan lain yang mendukung penelitian. Data-data tersebut akan dianalisis dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif-kualitatif. &nbsp

    Meningkatkan Literasi dan Numerasi Pada Siswa Kelas 4 UPT SD Negeri 060843 Medan Barat

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      MBKM merupakan bagian dari kebijakan Merdeka Belajar yang diusung oleh Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan,Riset,dan Teknologi yang memberikan kesempatan bagi mahasiswa/i untuk mengasah kemampuan sesuai bakat dan minat.MBKM bertujuan untuk mendorong mahasiswa supaya memperoleh pengalaman belajar dengan berbagai kompetensi tambahan di luar program studi maupun di luar kampus.Penulis melakukan PKL 1 di UPT SDN 060843.PKL 1 kali ini pelaksanaannya bersamaan dengan Program Kampus Mengajar yang merupakan bagian dari program MBKM yang digagas oleh mitra USU yang bekerjasama sama dengan Dinas Pendidikan Kota Medan.Pada PKL 1 ini dilakukan dengan metode intervensi mikro (casework) melalui tahap intervensi secara umum atau general yang terdiri dari Engagement,Intake,Contract, Assesment, Planning/Perencana, Intervensi, Evaluasi, dan Terminasi.Setelah melakukan semua tahapan casework, adapun hasil yang diharapkan untuk dapat meningkatkan serta memberi edukasi bahwa literasi dan numerasi sangat penting ditanamkan pada siswa kelas 4 UPT SDN 060843

    Persepsi Mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Sumatera Utara terhadap Pancasila sebagai Ideologi Negara

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    This study is the study of the perception of the Students against the State ideology Pancasila at the USU EXTENSION. Focus students ' perceptions of SOCIAL about how discuss USU against Pancasila. The findings of this study, among others, there are three things that become indicators of students ' perception in seeing against Pancasila. First, the indicators of cognition to see the level of knowledge of students against Pancasila; Second, indicators of students ' feelings of affection to see concerns the emotional aspects toward Pancasila; Third, the evaluative indicators to see objectively based on student assessment of cognition and affection they have associated the Pancasila. The method used is the method diskriptif-quantitative data collection techniques with the shape of the survey (questionnaire) and data analysis techniques using univarial analysis with a single table

    Teori Strategi Kampanye Aktor: Analisis Kasus Kemenangan Emmanuel Macron Pada Pemilihan Presiden Prancis 2017

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    The year 2017 was the year in which the French state held presidential elections which are held every five years. Presidential elections in France are referred to as Executive elections. Executive elections are held to elect Président de la République dan Prémier Minister. The issue of frexit, the issue of immigrants, and the issue of the economy became the main themes used by the candidates in their campaigns. After going through a fierce battle since the first round and continuing in the second round of the French presidential election, Emmanuel Macron won the election with a landslide victory over Marine Le Pen. This research aims to describe and analyze Emmanuel Macron's campaign strategy in the 2017 French presidential election. The method used in this research is a qualitative method with a descriptive type of research to describe in detail the subject being studied. The campaign strategy used by Emmanuel Macron is the Framing Strategy and Persuading Strategy. Macron presents counter framing by making voters afraid of the figure of Le Pen who cannot properly calculate the impact of his program, this is what Macron calls the spirit of defeat or The Spirit of Death. The Spirit of Conquest, which Macron mentions to name his vision and mission in leading France, is a persuasive strategy that Macron uses to convince voters that the interests of French citizens will be in line with his programs

    Empowerment Through Understanding Religious Harmony in Timbang Deli Urban Village

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    The Republic of Indonesia must retain its unity above all else, which requires religious harmony. However, every candidate for the Regional Head Election in Medan City still faces a severe challenge related to identity and religion. Thus, everyone in Medan City still has a responsibility to realize harmony and peace for religious communities. In the Medan Amplas District of Medan City's Timbang Deli Village, this activity took place. Understanding religious freedom and religious concord is the primary goal of this activity. Second, the contribution of local authorities to fostering religious peace. The third is a plan to promote religious harmony. It is hoped that the participants of the activities and conversations can understand the information presented using the participatory method. The outcomes of this initiative show the community's commitment to sharing responsibilities in each Timbang Deli Village neighborhood in order to raise public awareness. In addition, coordinate to talk to the authorities in great detail. In addition, achieving inter-religious harmony requires internalizing an attitude of tolerance, upholding brotherly ties, showing respect and appreciation for one another, placing full faith in one another without bias, confirming and clarifying any information learned, and being able to act fairly. for the benefit of the whole society

    Pelatihan Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran untuk Meningkatkan Pangsa Pasar Produk Dodol di Daerah Pasar Bengkel Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai

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    Pelatihan dan sosialisai  diberikan kepada masyarakat yang dalam hal ini adalah para pedagang produk dodol di Dusun II  Pasar Bengkel Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai. Dalam pelatihan ini, pihak mitra diberikan materi-materi pokok (modul) tentang strategi komunikasi pemasaran yang baik, benar dan sesuai untuk di implementasikan di sana. Pihak mitra lebih mampu mengembangkan potensi pangsa pasar melalui pendayagunaan media-media online sehingga tidak hanya terpaku dan bergantung kepada para pengguna jalan saja. Dengan demikian maka mitra lebih paham dan mengerti tentang langkah-langkah yang bisa diambil untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang sedang mereka alami. Target yang ingin dicapai melalui pengabdian ini adalah: (1) Jangkauan pangsa pasar para pedagang produk dodol di Dusun II Pasar Bengkel lebih luas dan meningkat. (2) Kelompok mitra terampil dalam mempromosikan produknya melalui toko-toko online dengan mengandalkan berbagai media sosial yang ada saat ini. (3) Kelompok mitra lebih teredukasi dalam mengembangkan usahanya melalui strategi komunikasi pemasaran yang telah diberikan nantinya. (4) Kelompok mitra mampu meningkatkan nilai jual produk dodol melalui beberapa keterampilan dan bantuan yang diberikan nantinya. (5) Dengan terlaksananya pelatihan dan sosialisasi strategi komunikasi pemasaran ini, maka diharapkan dapat meningkatkan taraf hidup kelompok mitra sehingga usaha produk dodol tetap lestari dan berkelanjutan

    Fostering Florists in Bangun Sari Lama Village, Tanjung Morawa District, Deli Serdang Regency in Utilizing Social Media as an Effort to Increase Market Share

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    The florists in Bangun Sari Lama Village are still very dependent on the traditional model of selling which requires direct interaction between the seller and the buyer. Therefore, during the Covid-19 pandemic, sales turnover decreased drastically. In fact, if florists are able to take advantage of social media this problem can be handled. The implementation of this activity aims to provide guidance to florists regarding the use of media social media and the importance of creating a special website for Bangun Sari Lama village to facilitate online sales on line. The method of implementing this activity is done offline, namely socialization and sharing questionnaire to 20 respondents. In this activity, information was obtained that there are still many florists who lack working capital so that it has an impact on the quality of ornamental plants sold and then causes low levels of income and their ability to market their business

    Strengthening Nationalism and National Awareness of Students at State Senior High School 3, Medan City, Through the Implementation of the Pancasila Geopolitics Module Learning

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    The goal of this program is to assist Indonesian education, specifically SMAN 3 Medan, in overcoming the challenge posed by students' diminished sense of national awareness and dwindling sense of nationalism. Participatory learning and action (PLA) and socialization are the methods employed in this service. The Geopolitics of Pancasila module will be taught to students of SMAN 3 Medan. This school consistently receives nominations for Medan City's top 10. The target to be achieved through this service is to increase quality education that is in accordance with the standardization of the success of the world's SDGs. Additionally, it instills in the next generation a greater sense of nationalism and national awareness, making them more concerned with upholding Pancasila values in their daily lives